Massachusetts Historical Society


All personal electronics brought into the library must be muted. 研究ers using headphones with electronic devices must keep the volume at a level that does not disturb others using the library.


研究ers may bring laptops and tablets into the library, along with their power cords. 电脑 must be removed from their cases, and the cases must be stored in the lockers provided in the orientation room.

Laptops will be inspected by a library staff member each time a researcher removes them from the MHS reading room.

WiFi is available throughout the library.


To allow researchers to create images of materials in our collections, 相机, 手机, and power cords may be brought into the library. Camera cases must be stored in the lockers provided in the orientation room.

研究ers may photograph most materials in our collections. Materials protected by copyright and materials in restricted collections may not be photographed.

的 camera's flash and all sound effects must be turned off. 三脚, selfie-sticks, lighting enhancements, scanners (both flatbed and hand-held), and other related equipment are not permitted. At the discretion of a reference librarian, 然而, these items can be used under direct supervision on an appointment basis. 这里有一张45美元的.00 per hour set-up and supervisory fee. If you would like to schedule an appointment, please review our 政策 and contact our reference department at 617-646-0532 or

Any requests to take photographs, in the reading room or by appointment, may be denied if doing so jeopardizes the safety of our collections or is otherwise disruptive.


We urge researchers, if possible, to bring personal notes in electronic form on a laptop or tablet. 研究ers are not allowed to bring 笔记本电脑, 文件夹, 笔, or loose-leaf notepaper into the library. If a researcher requires the use of personal notes written on paper, the Reader 服务 staff will copy up to 20 pages onto MHS-approved paper for use in the library.

MHS Provided Materials

MHS provides lined and blank notepaper, 索引卡, 铅笔, and magnifying glasses for use in the library. A reader services staff member will inspect researchers’ notes upon their exiting the reading room.

研究ers requiring additional equipment to enhance the accessibility of manuscript materials (e.g., 读者, more powerful magnifiers) should speak to a reference librarian prior to their visit to have the equipment approved for use in the library.

Personal Belongings

背包, 公文包, 钱包, computer cases or other bags, 笔, 笔记本电脑, 绑定, and loose papers are not allowed in the MHS library. 的se items must be stored in the lockers in the orientation room.

研究ers may not bring outside books or manuscript material into the library. Exceptions may be made only at the discretion of a reference librarian. 在这些情况下, materials will be subject to inspection before they are removed from the reading room.

Outer clothing like sport coats, 毛衣, and scarves may be worn in the reading room, 但一旦移除, must be placed in a locker or hung in the coatroom. Loose clothing may not be draped on chairs or laid on tables in the reading room.

