
雪景乔治. 1796年被绑定到东印度群岛

雪乔治全景(绘图), 约翰·博伊特保存的雪乔治航海日志, (未编号的页面, 用手着色的墨水

雪乔治全景(绘图), 约翰·博伊特保存的雪乔治航海日志, (未编号的页面, 对面第1页]

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[项目描述如下: 本月目标 ]

21岁的船长约翰·博伊特画了这幅雪的图画 乔治 在船上的航海日志里, 这艘船是他在1796年和1797年从波士顿到毛里求斯的航行中指挥的.


The origin of the term “snow” (from “snau” in Germanic 和 Sc和inavian languages) to describe a small sailing vessel with the appearance of a square-rigged brig is uncertain, 但到了17世纪,它已被普遍使用. 尽管水手们经常用“雪”这个词,”“brigantine,和“brig”可以互换来描述类似类型的帆船, 一场雪与它的索具的一个具体细节og体育官网在一起.

正如约翰·博伊特在他的画中明确指出的 乔治, 一场雪有了一个小, supplementary mast stepped closely abaft (behind) the mainmast to which a fore-和-aft trysail or “spanker” was attached. The small mast solved problems caused by carrying both square 和 fore-和-aft sails on the mainmast. 真正的禁闭室, 方帆和前后帆都装在主桅上, 克服了这个困难,并在18世纪70年代开始出现.


约翰·博伊特出生于1774年10月15日,是波士顿的约翰和莎拉·布朗·博伊特的儿子. 老约翰·博伊特. was a prominent merchant in Boston before the Revolution 和 his business 和 family connections made it possible for John Jr. 1790年,在他16岁生日前不久,他踏上了航海之路. 他出航时是船上的第五副(副) 哥伦比亚 on that ship’s second voyage to China by way of the Northwest Coast 和 a second circumnavigation.

年轻的博伊特在 哥伦比亚’s three-year voyage 和 left the only eyewitness account of entering the 哥伦比亚 River on 12 May 1792—an event that later would have important diplomatic consequences in the Northwest boundary dispute between the United States 和 Great Britain.

约翰·博伊特还不到19岁 哥伦比亚 他回到波士顿,但不久又以大副的身份出航 伊丽莎 在去弗吉尼亚和爱尔兰的航行中. In the summer of 1794, still not 20, Boit was placed in comm和 of the small (65-foot, 98-ton) sloop 联盟 和 embarked on a two-year voyage from Newport to China (“Adieu to the pretty girls of Newport,他在联盟的航海日志中写道。), a voyage that maritime historian Samuel Eliot Morison described as “the most remarkable youthful exploit in this bright dawn of youthful adventure, 我注意到了这一点.”

漫长的,漏水的航行 乔治

1796年7月,约翰·博伊特的船刚到达波士顿 联盟 任命他为队长 乔治, a British storeship that had been captured by a French privateer 和 sold in Boston together with its cargo of casks of peas, 土豆, 和牛肉. 新主人 乔治 其中一位是博伊特的姐夫克罗威尔·哈奇(Crowell Hatch),他是该公司的部分所有者和投资者 哥伦比亚联盟 voyages) gave him no time to l和 the snow的货物 or repair the leaking hull of the vessel before setting sail for Isle de France (Mauritius) in the Indian Ocean in September.

尽管他在扉页画了一幅生动的画像 乔治, Boit’s logbook reveals that the snow sailed “too dull for comfort” 和 leaked so badly during the voyage around Africa that it took the aid of the French garrison of Isle de France to work 这艘船 into port when it arrived—和 then the snow “leaked just as bad in the harbor as she did when at sea” 和 threatened to sink at anchor.


事实证明,约翰·博伊特既能当船长,也能当商业代理人. 他卖掉了 乔治的货物, 尽管泄漏造成了损坏,并试图在海上修理他的船, for an enormous profit 和 even received “a good price” for the snow itself—smartly repainted 和 then sold for local trade with Madagascar. 博伊特在日志中对“老雪乔治”号的评论以这样的愿望结束, “上帝保佑,我可能再也坐不上这艘船了.”

Boit went ashore at Isle de France 和 “kept Bachelor’s hall—和 the gay life that is generally pursued by young men of this isl和,在几个月的时间里,他过得很愉快,虽然放荡不羁.” He noted that he was attended, as he had been at sea, by his “faithful servant Chou (a Chinese).”


“周”(有时拼写为“Chow”)加入了“周”号的船员 联盟 在约翰·博伊特早期的航行中. 年轻的少年, he travelled to Boston as Boit’s servant 和 then almost at once went to sea again with him in the 乔治. 他们在法兰西岛逗留之后, 1797年,博伊特和周作为乘客回到了美国 广州. 不到一年之后, 1798年9月, 19岁的周从约翰·博伊特新指挥的桅顶上摔下身亡, 这艘船 Mac然后在波士顿为一次航行做准备. 周杰伦自称是“深情的师父”,——约翰·博伊特, had him interred in Boston’s Central Burial Ground 和 supplied a large headstone in his honor (the inscription spells his name as “Chow”). Chou or Chow (Boit’s family knew him as “Libei”) was one of the first persons of Chinese ancestry to live in Boston—although briefly—和 to be buried here.


Not all of John Boit’s logbooks are extant: in 1798 when Boit’s “faithful servant” Chou had his fatal fall from the masthead of the Mac, 博伊特正在船上准备一个秘密, 和 illegal slaving voyage to Africa 和 then on to Cuba—the traditional route of the notorious triangular trade. 有官方的记录 Mac’s arrival in Cuba in May 1799 after a harrowing voyage—only 206 of 244 enslaved captives survived the Atlantic crossing 和 almost one third of the survivors were children. 当这艘船返回美国时,博伊特的航行被公之于众. 根据1794年的奴隶贸易法案, 美国公民被禁止为进口奴隶的船只配备装备. Boit受到了公众媒体和媒体的严厉批评 Mac was seized 和 sold at auction in Bath, then in the District of Maine, in October 1799.


John Boit had a lengthy career as a ship captain that stretched into the 19th century, 作为一名波士顿商人,在岸上进行广泛的商业航行. In 1799, 他娶了纽波特的埃莉诺·琼斯, perhaps one of the “pretty girls of Newport” whom he had left behind when he sailed in the 联盟. They had seven children 和 divided the time that John spent ashore between Boston 和 Jamaica Plain. 约翰·博伊特于1829年在波士顿去世,终于从海上回到了家.


威廉·贝克. 《马萨诸塞殖民地的船只类型.” In Seafaring in Colonial Massachusetts: A Conference held by the Colonial Society of Massachusetts, 十一月二十一日及二十二日, 1975. 波士顿:马萨诸塞殖民地协会,1980年,页. 3-29.

William Baker defined early types of sailing ships 和 illustrated his essay with contemporary depictions of ships from manuscripts, 出版物, 雕刻, 和绘画.

约翰·博伊特(1774-1829. 约翰·博伊特期刊,1790-1830

The Boit manuscript collection at the MHS consists of logbooks kept by John Boit as captain, 官, 或者旅客, 包括航海日志摘录和航海笔记. 博伊特在他的航海日志上画上了他服役或指挥的船只的图画. He also used blank pages in his logbooks to write poetry 和 record lines from published poems, 以及记录他阅读中浪漫而鼓舞人心的语录.

Boit约翰,. Log of the 联盟: John Boit’s Remarkable Voyage to the Northwest Coast 和 Around the World, 1794-1769. Ed. 埃德蒙·海耶斯. 俄勒冈历史学会,1981年.

Through annotations, maps, views, 和 especially schematic drawings of the 联盟 by Hewitt R. 杰克逊,埃德蒙·海耶斯为现代读者“打开”了博伊特的航海日志.

罗伯特·博伊特. 博伊特家族及其后代和其他同盟家族. 波士顿:私人印刷,1915年.

生动地描述了约翰·博伊特的祖先和后代, 一位曾孙, 大量借鉴了约翰·博伊特的航海日志和其他著作, 是罗伯特·A捐赠给MHS的吗. Boit.

马洛依,玛丽. Souvenirs of the Fur Trade: Northwest Coast Indian Art 和 Artifacts Collected by American Mariners, 1788-1844. 剑桥:皮博迪考古与民族学博物馆,2000.

John Boit donated art 和 artifacts collected during his early voyages to the Pacific to the Massachusetts Historical Society before January 30, 1798, 协会整理了一份最近收到的礼物清单. Some items later were deaccessioned by the Historical Society 和 donated to the Peabody Museum of Harvard University. 玛丽·马洛伊做出了巨大的努力来匹配早期的礼物记录, 包括约翰·博伊特, 具体的物品现在由皮博迪博物馆收藏.


麦克号船抵达哈瓦那的记录, 1799年5月31日, 航次ID 13807在跨大西洋奴隶贸易数据库中吗. “约翰·贝斯特”被列为船长, but the record closely matches contemporary reports in the American press describing the seizure 和 sale of the Mac 和 condemning John Boit’s role in the voyage.