
The Catastrophe in State Street: A Fourth of July Celebration in Boston Leads to Deadly Violence



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This broadside printing of the music and lyrics for a funeral dirge by John Horace Nichols “mourned a promising and favorite Son,——查尔斯·奥斯汀, 一位18岁的哈佛大学生, 1806年8月4日下午早些时候在道富街被杀的人, 波士顿的主干道. 奥斯丁“惩罚”了律师托马斯. 用一根结实的手杖击打塞尔弗里奇. 塞尔弗里奇, 谁事先被警告过他可能会受到“雇佣恶霸”的攻击,刚从他的办公室出来 旧州议会大厦 他口袋里或背后藏着一把上膛的手枪. 他枪杀了年轻的奥斯丁,这一“灾难”震惊了波士顿.


可悲的是, 查尔斯奥斯丁 died because of a disputed bill for a Fourth of July party held a month earlier on Copp’s Hill in Boston’s North End. 托马斯·塞尔弗里奇, 枪手, had been locked in an increasingly bitter public controversy with 查尔斯奥斯丁’s father, 本杰明·奥斯汀, Jr. The two men were leading figures of the sharply divided political factions (parties) in Boston.

本杰明·奥斯汀 had been the chairman of a committee that organized a separate Fourth of July celebration for Boston’s (Democratic) Republican faction, 托马斯·杰斐逊总统的支持者, after it became clear that the town’s official celebration would be dominated by Federalists—the political faction that had grown up around Presidents George Washington and John Adams. 除了在新英格兰,联邦党人已经失宠了, 但是麻萨诸塞州, 包括缅因地区, was exquisitely balanced between the factions in one closely fought gubernatorial election after another, 然后每年举行选举.

在这种紧张的政治气氛中, the Fourth of July party hosted by 本杰明·奥斯汀’s committee turned out to be a great success—it was too successful. The presence of a Tunisian diplomat and his colorfully garbed entourage on Copp’s Hill attracted an overflow crowd and the estimated cost of $360 became a final bill for $630 (seven additional roast pigs and ten bushels of green peas added substantially to expenses). 奥斯丁拒绝支付超过估计和希伯急切, 他是波士顿王子街杰斐逊酒馆的老板,为这次活动提供服务, 尽管他本人是共和党人, 雇佣托马斯·塞尔弗里奇, 主要的联邦党人, 强行提出他的要求.

A private mediator quickly negotiated a settlement between Eager and Austin’s party committee, but Austin and 塞尔弗里奇 kept up an escalating barrage of “posts” by attacks on each other published as advertisements in partisan Boston newspapers. Austin accused 塞尔弗里奇 of unethically seeking legal business—barratry—while 塞尔弗里奇 accused Austin of spreading “jesuitically false” statements about him.


Dueling was illegal in Massachusetts but adversaries who had “posted” each other through published advertisements would, 在某些情况下, 通过欺凌或攻击来“惩罚”对手. 如果太老或太弱——本杰明·奥斯汀54岁,托马斯·塞尔弗里奇, 虽然只有31岁, had been in poor health since his college years--they employed relatives or even hired “bullies” to carry out “chastisements.当查尔斯·奥斯汀打塞尔弗里奇时,他是在代表他父亲行事. 塞尔弗里奇被控过失杀人罪 英联邦v. 塞尔弗里奇 became a legal landmark notable for judicial decisions about the right of a defendant to “stand his ground” when attacked and whether a defendant could use lethal force in defending himself, 即使他误解了袭击者的杀人意图.

英联邦v. 塞尔弗里奇

The case was tried in December 1806 before Judge Isaac Parker of the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court and pitted “Republican” prosecutors, 马萨诸塞州总检察长詹姆斯·沙利文和副检察长丹尼尔·戴维斯, 与由著名联邦党人律师组成的辩护团队对抗, 克里斯托弗·戈尔和塞缪尔·德克斯特. 当塞尔弗里奇被判无罪时,出现了大规模的抗议判决. 塞尔弗里奇和西奥菲勒斯·帕森斯, 马萨诸塞州最高法院的首席大法官, who was widely understood to have influenced the grand jury’s decision to try 塞尔弗里奇 for manslaughter rather than murder, 在波士顿和其他地方被绞死的人.

当代手稿上有注解,下有注解 葬礼挽歌 indicate the continued political divide in Massachusetts: 查尔斯奥斯丁 was “shot by a pistol from the hand of T O 塞尔弗里奇” but then, 另一位作者补充道:“出于自卫。.在这一页的底部, the “mourning Sire” in the text was identified as “Honestus – or Ben: Austin [Austin wrote under the pseudonym “Honestus”] an old fashioned Jacobin.” The Jeffersonian Republicans supported the French 牧师olution and often were condemned for its excesses.


While fellows and members of the Massachusetts Historical Society have seen themselves as removed from party politics, 詹姆斯·沙利文(共和党人)的角色, 卫生部的第一任主席, 1791-1806, 克里斯托弗·戈尔(联邦党人), 第二任总统, 1806-1818, as the lead prosecutor and defense attorney in the 塞尔弗里奇 case makes it very difficult to believe that politics did not intrude upon the Society’s activities. The fact that they both would serve as governors of Massachusetts in the years following the trial (Sullivan from 1807 to 1808 and Gore from 1809 to 1810) brought party politics into the rooms of the Society. 即使是保罗·里维尔,年事已高但仍然活跃在公民生活中,也加入了这个故事. 牧师ere was the foreman of the jury at the 塞尔弗里奇 trial and when he later was accused of bias in favor of the defendant, newspapers favorable to 塞尔弗里奇 cited the “papers of the Historical Society” as proof of 牧师ere’s distinguished public service—and honorable character—before and during the 牧师olution.


Boston had seven newspapers in 1806, most supporting one or another political faction. 本杰明·奥斯汀(本杰明·奥斯汀)以“诚实”(honest)的笔名写作 独立的编年史是一份可靠的共和党报纸,而《og体育官网》则是 哥伦比亚Centinel 在联邦党中扮演了同样的角色.

宾利,威廉. 威廉·本特利日记:马萨诸塞州塞勒姆东教会牧师. 塞勒姆:埃塞克斯研究所,1905-1914. 4个系数.

1806年5月4日和1808年9月1日的日记条目. 3, p. 226和381),牧师. Bentley describes how from political motives the Society “neglected their old President” in 1806 and “[President James] Sullivan was thrust from the chair & 戈尔(Christopher Gore)升职了.”

布林,丹尼尔. 《og体育官网》 康涅狄格州公共利益法杂志,卷. 16, p. 41-78.

理查德·布朗. 《无义务退缩:美国历史和社会中的暴力与价值观. 诺曼:俄克拉荷马大学出版社,1994年.

爱默生,威廉. 布道, 送到波士顿第一教堂, 在主日那天,在先生不幸去世之后. 查尔斯奥斯丁. 波士顿:由贝尔彻和阿姆斯特朗在翡翠出版社印刷,1806年.

牧师. 威廉·爱默生不仅哀悼查尔斯·奥斯汀的死, 这个宗教团体的年轻人,还有“时代的邪恶原则和风尚”.”

托马斯·塞尔弗里奇. 正确地叙述了苏氏初步争论的全部内容. O. 塞尔弗里奇和本. Austin: Also a Brief Account of the Catastrophe in State Street, Boston, on the 4th August 1806. 查尔斯敦:由塞缪尔·埃瑟里奇为作者印刷,1807年.

托马斯·塞尔弗里奇. 托马斯·欧的审判. 律师塞尔弗里奇,在议员面前. 艾萨克·帕克,时尚先生. 罪名:1806年8月4日,在波士顿公共交易所杀害查尔斯·奥斯汀. 波士顿:罗素和卡特勒出版社,1807年出版.

The trial was transcribed in shorthand by two independent reporters and “sanctioned by the court, 国家记者.“抄本非常详细,包括一个 道富银行的比例图 枪击案发生在哪里.

塔格,杰克. “政治, 荣誉, and Self-Defense in Post-牧师olutionary Boston: The 1806 Manslaughter Trial of 托马斯·塞尔弗里奇,” 马萨诸塞州历史杂志,卷. 27, no. 2(2009年秋季),页. 84-105.

特拉弗斯,兰. Celebrating the Fourth: Independence Day and the Rites of Nationalism in the Early Republic. 阿默斯特:马萨诸塞大学出版社,1997.

While not focusing on the Republican Fourth of July party on Copp’s Hill that led to the death of 查尔斯奥斯丁, Travers describes the role of political parties in the creation of the national holiday.

特里伯,詹·E. 《一个真正的共和党人:保罗·里维尔的一生. 阿默斯特:马萨诸塞大学出版社,1998.

沃伦,查尔斯. 雅各宾派与军托派:从《雅各宾日记》看早期美国政治. 纳撒尼尔·艾姆斯(1758-1822. 剑桥:哈佛大学出版社,1931.